Review "Fly & Forget" von Nena Tramountani
Hi guys, sorry that I don't have any writing posts for you lately, but I haven't been writing anything myself, so there's not really anything to talk about.
What I can talk about however are the books that I am currently reading and reviewing and so for today I have another German book that I was kindly sent by the Bloggerportal to review.
There is no English version of this, but I am hoping that they'll translate it at some point. But for now this means that I'll write a very short review in English at the end of this post but my long review will be in German because it only makes sense to me.
Rezension: Fly & Forget von Nena Tramountani
Allgemein ist es eine sehr schnelle Geschichte (ich persönlich hatte das Buch in einem Zug durch), die sich flüssig liest und relativ gut ausbalanciert ist zwischen Rückblicken in die Vergangenheit der ehemaligen besten Freunde und der Gegenwart. Hin und wieder hatte ich das Bedürfnis, Abschnitte zu überspringen, bei denen mir die Nacherzählung etwas zu langatmig wurde, aber das Buch hat dafür auf anderer Ebene geglänzt und das wieder wettgemacht.
Es war ein Hauch frustrierend, dass man als Leser*in durch die zwei Perspektiven immer mehr wusste, als die Charaktere, was zu dem ein oder anderen Missverständnis geführt hatte, allerdings war die Fehlkommunikation nicht so schlimm, dass es mir den Spaß am Lesen genommen hat (was durchaus schon vorgekommen ist, ich HASSE Konflikte durch fehlende Kommunikation).
Ich kann es kaum abwarten, die nächsten Teile zu lesen und hoffentlich mehr über die anderen Charaktere der WG zu erfahren, da es dort noch ein paar offene Handlungsstränge gab.
Review Fly & Forget by Nena Tramountani
Fly & Forget is the first part in the Soho-Love series by Nena Tramountani and is a NA romance series about a group of friends living in a flatshare in London. The first part deals with Liv, who was dumped by her boyfriend and therefore moves into the before mentioned flatshare, and her childhood best friend (now enemie) Noah. It is definitely on the enemies to lovers spectrum, with Noah being a total asshole and treating Liv like shit when they meet for the first time again in three years, and with Liv wanting her revenge on Noah. There were a lot of aspects that I loved about this book, it was fast paced, had great tension between the characters (and a good amount of steam) and was well balanced between talking about the past and what was happening right now. It was a lot darker than I expected, there was a lot of dealing with loss, guilt, drug abuse and emotional abuse, which going by the blurb and the cover was not at all what I pictured, but it worked.
Noah is quite the toxic character, but what I loved was how openly it was addressed that he was toxic and how his behaviour messed with people. It didn't romanticise the idea of saving someone or turning a toxic douchebag into a nice guy, but instead talked about the way you can always try and help someone but it is up to them to accept the help and do better. Also it was addressed how Liv herself might have been toxic in her previous relationship, which was very refreshing because it doesn't happen often that the sad, dumped character admits to the things they did wrong as well.
Overall it was a 4.5/5 because the love story was great and steamy, with a lot of depth and character. I felt like there were a few things left unresolved, but I'm guessing they might get talked about it in the next parts of the series.
There you go, I hope you enjoyed this little review. I know it is a bit complicated to do this in two languages, but I read and write my books in two languages, so why not my reviews as well?
As always, take care, stay healthy and read on.
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