Writing Update March 2021

Last month I decided to start a new series called "Writing Update" to give you a little glimpse into my process as a writer (this is in cursive because lately I haven't really been that much of a writing writer, more a writer in spirit) and to give myself a reason to writer. To hold myself accountable, basically. 
Well, that didn't exactly work out how I imagined, because if possible, I wrote less this month than last 😅. 
At the beginning of March I did edit a lot of City girl meets Countryside and I wrote a few new scenes for something new I'm working on, but that's it. 
I did work on my writing prompts journal a little more, to the point where it is nearly full, which is exciting, but also not the progress I had hoped for. 
To be fair, with exam season and an unhealthy obsessive relationship with reading I don't really have that much time left to write. Also, I've noticed that working on a screen all day is really straining my eyes to the point where I struggle to write at the end of the day and add more hours to my screen time. 
But those are all excuses, essentially. 
Next month is Camp Nanowrimo and I saw that they added a NaNoFiMo to it (National Novel Finishing Month) and I might take that as an opportunity to finally finish editing CmC. 
Exams are also over at the end of March so I'll have a little bit more time to spend on hobbies before the new (and my last, AAH) semester starts.

What this shows me though is that the idea of a writing update is still a good thing. Because it makes me reflect on what I actually did this month. 
My first thought had been to not write this post this month because I hadn't written anything, but then I looked back to my WIPs and my notebooks and realised that I had written things. With all that productivity pressure that I put on myself I'm always super quick to brush over any progress I make if it doesn't feel big enough, not good enough. 
Maybe that's the take away from today's post. 
Little progress is good enough. No progress is good enough. You are good enough. 

And with that cheesy line and a very short post I'm gonna leave you alone now, because there's nothing else to say. 
I'll give you an update if I end up taking part in Camp Nanowrimo in April and next week I'm once again gonna prove to you what I mean when I say that I currently read obsessively. 

Until then, take care, stay healthy and write on. 

Follow me and stay in touch:
Twitter: @lena_fiala
Instagram: @lena_fiala_
Business inquiries: lena.fiala99@gmail.com


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